Influenza A/B Antigen Detection Kit

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Influenza A/B Antigen Detection Kit

Babio ® Influenza A/B Antigen Detection Kit(Colloidal Gold Method) can provide rapid detection of influenza A and/or B viral antigens from symptomatic patients.It can
provides an instant test result in 15 minutes by minimally skilled personnel without the use of laboratory equipment.

Product Description

TEST PRINCIPLE-Influenza A/B Antigen Detection Kit
Influenza A/B Antigen Detection Kit(Colloidal Gold Method) is a lateral flow chromatographic immunoassay. The test strip consists of:
1) a burgundy colored conjugate pad containing anti-Influenza A and B antibody conjugated with colloidal gold (antibody conjugates)
2) a nitrocellulose membrane strip containing two test lines (T1 and T2 lines) and a control line (C line). The T1 line is pre-coated with anti-Influenza A antibody, the T2 line is pre-coated with anti-Influenza B antibody, and the C line is pre-coated with a control line antibody.
The Influenza antigen is firstly extracted from the specimen with extraction buffer. The antigen extracts contact the test strip and then migrate by capillary action across the test strip. Influenza A antigen, if presents in the extract, will bind to the antibody conjugates. The immunocomplex is then captured on the membrane by the pre-coated anti-Influenza A antibodies, forming a burgundy colored T1 line, indicating an Influenza A positive test result.
Influenza B antigen, if present in the extract, will bind to the antibody conjugates. The immunocomplex is then captured on the membrane by the pre-coated anti-Influenza B antibodies, forming a burgundy colored T2 line, indicating Influenza B positive test result. The test contains an internal control (C line) which should exhibit a burgundy colored line of the of the control antibodies regardless of color development on
any of the test lines. If the C line does not develop, the test result is invalid and
the specimen must be retested with another device.
Materials Provided:
Specification: 1T/box,20T/box,25T/box,50T/box,100 T/box


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