Respiratory Syncytial Virus IgM Detection Kit

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Respiratory Syncytial Virus IgM Detection Kit

The Respiratory Syncytial Virus IgM Detection Kit (Colloidal Gold Method) is intended for in vitro qualitative detection of IgM antibody in human
serum, plasma or whole blood from individuals suspected of Respiratory Syncytial Virus by their healthcare point of care provider. This test is only
provided for use by clinical laboratories or to health care workers for point of care testing.

Product Description

Respiratory syncytial virus is an RNA virus that spreads through air droplets and close contact. It is more common in newborns and infants under 6 months, with an incubation period of 3-7 days. Respiratory syncytial virus can be infected throughout the year, and it is more prevalent in winter. After infection, it mainly manifests as upper respiratory tract infection. It can qualitatively detect the IgM antibody in human serum, plasma or whole
blood. The Respiratory Syncytial Virus IgM Detection Kit (Colloidal Gold Method) can provide rapid detection of Respiratory Syncytial Virus IgM from symptomatic patients.It can provides an instant test result in 15 minutes by minimally skilled personnel without the use of laboratory equipment.
Materials Provided:
 Specification: 1T/box,20T/box,25T/box,50T/box
1. This test can be performed using either human serum, plasma or whole blood samples, including peripheral blood, plasma prepared from clinically
used anticoagulants (EDTA, heparin, sodium citrate), etc.
2. Separate serum or plasma from blood as soon as possible to avoid hemolysis.
3. Serum and plasma samples may be stored at 2-8°C for up to 5 days if not tested immediately. For long-term storage, it should be stored at -20°C.
Avoid multiple freeze-thaw cycles. Anticoagulated whole blood samples should not be stored for more than 72 hours at room temperature; not more [Version]: V1.0
than7 days at 28°C.
4. Prior to testing, bring frozen specimens to room temperature slowly and mix gently. Specimens containing visible particulate matter should be
clarified by centrifugation before testing.
5. Do not use samples demonstrating gross lipemia, gross hemolysis or turbidity in order to avoid interference on result interpretation.


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